
Rabbi Len Muroff was born in New Jersey and raised in Canada. After studying at Columbia University, where he received his B.A., he received a M.A. in Jewish Education and another in Rabbinics. He was then
ordained in 199

2. He has served congregations in Georgia, Boston, Los Angeles and Downey. He also served as a hospice and hospital c

haplain for fifteen years. Most recently he served as a Jewish chaplain at the State Psychiatric hospital in Atascadero. While a chaplain he served as holiday and weekend rabbi at Reform temples in Louisiana, Virginia, Texas and China Lake, CA. In 2021, Rabbi Muroff was presented with a honorary Doctor of Divinity, by the Jewish Theological Seminary, for his 29 years of service to the Jewish people.

Last year he was the interim rabbi at Temple Beth David in Temple City, CA.
Rabbi Muroff has worked in the spheres of interfaith relations, social justice and family education. He enjoys teaching his weekly Torah class, hiking, and going to baseball games.

He’s the proud father of two adult daughters.